‘Empowering the Future’: Marine electric vehicles’ event being hosted by IGNITE in Digby on July 29

DIGBY, N.S. — IGNITE Atlantic will be hosting what it is calling a groundbreaking event – called ‘Empowering the Future: Looking at Marine Electric Vehicles’ – on Monday, July 29 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Fundy Restaurant in Digby.

Aimed primarily at fishers, fleets and others in the industry, the event will spotlight the potential of marine electrification in enhancing the sustainability and resilience of fishing communities.

IGNITE, a rural innovation hub in Yarmouth and New Glasgow, aims to collaborate closely with the local fishing industry, by informing communities about potential benefits and limitations of vessel electrification, and by gathering extensive input from the fishers themselves on their needs, reads a media release.

The project will also evaluate the potential for a mixture of fully electric and hybrid-electric vessels, and assess the energy needs and infrastructure limitations in Digby and Sheet Harbour.

The centerpiece of the event will be a state-of-the-art electric vessel by ABCO, which will be docked at the wharf for attendees to inspect.

The event will also feature short presentations from organizations such as Bluegrid, Efficiency One, Fisheries and Aquaculture Nova Scotia, and ABCO, with lots of opportunities for discussions with fishers and industry leaders.

“We are excited to lead this innovative project that will serve as a template for other coastal communities in Nova Scotia. By embracing marine electrification, we aim to enhance the sustainability and resilience of our fishing communities, creating a cleaner and more prosperous future,” says Doug Jones, CEO of IGNITE Atlantic.

In June, it was announced that IGNITE Atlantic would play a crucial role in reducing the carbon footprint of Nova Scotia’s fishing industry through the newly established Fisheries and Aquaculture Energy Efficiency Innovation Fund.

IGNITE was awarded $150,000 to support energy efficiency projects in Digby and Sheet Harbour. This funding would assist IGNITE in working with the local fishing industry to understand and implement electric vessel conversion.

At the same time as that announcement, the Government of Nova Scotia introduced the Fisheries and Aquaculture Energy Efficiency Innovation Fund, with an investment of $6.5 million over three years, aimed at supporting projects that enhance energy efficiency and adopt clean technology across the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

The initiative will focus on adapting emerging electric and hybrid technology for vessels, installing renewable energy systems, upgrading equipment to reduce emissions, and conducting vital research to further emission-reduction projects.

The July 29 event in Digby is being hosted as part of this new innovation program. This initiative is supported by the investment from the Government of Nova Scotia aimed at promoting clean technology and reducing emissions in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors over the next three years, as well as investment from the RBC Tech for Nature Fund.

Spaces for the event are limited. Register at igniteatlantic.com/events/

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