The future of the agency model in automotive sales: Planning for what’s ahead

Henry Ford introduced the franchise dealer model in 1914, and it’s been a stable and secure part of our industry. However, recently, a buzzword gaining traction is “the agency model.” If adopted, this model will significantly depart from the traditional dealership model we’ve known for decades. 

Although the direct-to-consumer model will require massive changes to wholesale operations, every dealership knows that OEMs want customer relationships while forcing dealerships to act as sales agents. For many in the industry, this isn’tjust another business trend; it’s a potential game-changer that could alter the essence of dealership operations and their bottom lines.

Potential Impacts on Dealership Autonomy and Profitability 

The traditional dealership model has thrived on autonomy and control, where dealers manage inventory, nurture customer relationships, and set pricing strategies independently. However, the agency model disrupts this foundation. With manufacturers assuming control over inventory and customer interactions, dealerships face significant shifts in their roles and revenue streams.

Loss of Autonomy: Imagine relinquishing control over your inventory decisions. Manufacturers dictate which vehicles are sold and at what prices, limiting dealerships’ ability to negotiate, offer discounts, or respond swiftly to local market demands.

Revenue Adjustments: The transition to a commission-based structure introduces financial uncertainties. Dealerships accustomed to traditional profit margins from vehicle sales may now contend with fixed commissions from manufacturers, posing challenges during economic downturns or slow sales periods. Adaptation is crucial to secure financial stability.

Customer Relationship Dynamics: Strong customer relationships have been pivotal to dealership success. However, with manufacturers taking a more direct role in customer interactions, maintaining personalized connections becomes formidable. OEMs could jeopardize the loyalty and trust painstakingly built over the years by dealers.

Addressing the Challenges Ahead 

Navigating these challenges requires proactive measures. However, these measures can also increase the success of your current operations. Let’s explore actionable strategies:

Embrace the Change: Rather than resisting, dealerships could embrace the potential benefits of the agency model, such as reduced inventory costs and streamlined sales processes. Collaborate closely with manufacturers to optimize operational efficiencies and capitalize on shared resources.

Elevate Customer Experiences: While manufacturers handle direct customer interactions, dealerships retain a critical role in delivering exceptional service. Invest in comprehensive staff training to ensure every customer receives personalized attention and feels valued throughout their journey.

Diversifying Revenue Streams: Diversifying revenue streams becomes imperative with potential shifts in profit margins. Expand service offerings, introduce new products, or establish partnerships with local businesses to augment income streams beyond vehicle sales.

Enhance Digital Presence: As consumer interactions increasingly migrate online, bolstering digital capabilities is non-negotiable. Invest in a user-friendly website, engage actively on social media platforms, and leverage virtual sales and service options to provide seamless customer experiences.

Foster Manufacturer Collaboration: Forge robust partnerships with manufacturers to facilitate a smooth transition to the agency model. Stay informed about industry trends, provide constructive feedback, and collaborate on strategies that benefit both parties. 

Leverage Technological Advancements: Deploy cutting-edge technology to streamline operations and enhance customer interactions. Implement advanced CRM systems for effective relationship management, harness data analytics to anticipate customer preferences, and leverage AI-driven tools for operational efficiencies.

Luck Favors the Prepared 

If it happens, the future of the agency model in automotive sales promises challenges and opportunities for growth if you’re prepared. Dealerships that proactively embrace change prioritize exceptional customer experiences, diversify revenue streams, foster collaborative manufacturer relationships, and leverage technology will survive and thrive, regardless of the direction chosen.

Embracing change is never easy, but dealerships can prepare for the transition successfully with thoughtful preparation, forward-thinking strategies, and a commitment to innovation. If push comes to shove, are you prepared to embrace the future of automotive sales and propel your dealership forward? Let us know your thoughts.