Binary Automotive Solutions Debuts Culture of Value Podcast to Tap Into Dealership Culture
BEDFORD, Texas — Binary Automotive Solutions, a leading provider of customized, dealer-branded marketing programs designed to drive sales, profits, growth, and retention, announced they are debuting a new podcast this month, Culture of Value. The podcast will feature Binary Automotive Solution’s CMO, Troy Scheer, as host and will interview leading executives on how they provide value for customers and employees across their organization.
There will be insights that will help people build value across multiple facets of their lives.
“The Culture of Value podcast is a natural extension of the success we’ve seen from our partners who place value at the heart of their organization,” said David Adcock, Executive Vice President of Binary Automotive Solutions. “We’re going to give concrete examples and how-tos on how delivering value to employees and customers is essential when building a successful business.”
Adcock will be the first guest on the program and will focus on how dealership management can establish a solid Plan B as the excitement and sales from summer fade and inventory supply returns to normal levels. Future guests include marketing executives, dealership group owners sharing best practices, and notable value-based authors, among others.
“We’re very excited to introduce a Culture of Value to the industry this month,” said Scheer. “Our guest lineup is fantastic and we’re going to be bringing hands-on strategies to our listeners to increase their profits and set their brand apart month after month. There will be insights that will help people build value across multiple facets of their lives.”
The Culture of Value podcast can be found on any of the leading streaming services, or listeners can visit subscribe.