Auto Insurance Rates Stable

Both full coverage and liability-only national average costs have moved little over the past six months. - Pexels/RDNE Stock Project

Both full coverage and liability-only national average costs have moved little over the past six months.

Pexels/RDNE Stock Project

Auto consumers, many of whom have been shopping around for new insurance carriers to lower their costs, got a bit of a break in October – at least conditions didn’t worsen.

Research by insurance comparison shopping website Insurify shows the average U.S. monthly car insurance cost was essentially flat for the month. 

Full coverage was a dollar cheaper at $194, and liability-only was unchanged at $104, for an overall average of $149, the Massachusetts-based company said. 

In fact, both categories have moved little over the past six months. In May, full coverage sat at an average of $191, liability at $105.

Even states with increases in average monthly insurance costs saw only minimal changes, Insurify reported. Virginia experienced the biggest jump in full-coverage cost with a $3 increase to $188, and Kentucky’s actually fell by $6 to $190.

Insurify pointed out that location affects insurance rates due to weather patterns, traffic congestion, and crash and vehicle crime rates.